I Just Discovered Automic Gold- Fine Jewelry line that offers rings up to size 16!
The average women's ring size ranges from size 3 to 9, with size 6 being the most popular. according to Blue Nile jewelry site. My ring...

Trap Soul Yoga - Stretch Your Mind & The Rest Will Follow
THIS Sunday, do something a little different - a yoga class with a completely Trap & Neo-soul playlist. WAIT! What is Trap Soul? An...

How Do You Redefine Body Image? Watch Straight/Curve Documentary Tonight on Epix, It's a Start.
60% of U.S. girls compare themselves to models. 40% of teenage girls suffer from eating disorders. 86% of people with eating disorders...

Beyonce Helps College Women Get in Formation
Queen Bey recently announced her Formation Scholars Program. Four scholarships total will be awarded. One per college to incoming,...

Podcast Season 2, Curvy, Flirty and Thriving! Interview with Digital Marketer Uju Obianwu
Howard University student digital marketer, curvy, body positive advocate on The Curvy Confidential Podcast.

It's International Women's Day Will You #BeBoldForChange
Today is International Women's Day. A day to celebrate women, recognize our contributions to society and stress parity and equality. This...

When Plus Models Took Over NYFW!
Okay New York Fashion Week I see you! Bloggers, influencers, models, Instagram pages, we make noise about body positivity and diversity...

Why People Are Hating on This Vogue Magazine Cover
Body shaming is soooo 2007. Vogue magazine recently released a cover featuringthe American girl we had several models on the cover...

What's Giving Tuesday and How Can I Get Involved?
Definition of Giving Tuesday plus resource link to help you get started.

Behind the Scenes with Photographer Jose Pagan
I had the pleasure of shooting with renowned photographer Jose Pagan recently. I need more images for my model portfolio and for my Curvy G