What Plus Size Girls Can't Do...
Boy. Bye!!!! You know better than that. Around here, we believe in Curves AND Confidence. No one should be limited in life by their...

Love Affirmation - Inhale Confidence - Day 24
For the Love of Curves Each day in February you'll find a positive affirmation from me, that you can use to wake up to promise and close...

Love Affirmation - Confidence Equals Beauty, Wear It Well - Day 21
For the Love of Curves Each day in February I'm presenting love affirmations to start your day with promise and end with Love. Today,...

Love Affirmations - The Scale Does NOT Define Me - Day 9
For the Love of Curves Each day in February , (the month of LOVE) I'll be posting daily affirmations, love affirmations. Reminding you to...

Love Affirmations I AM - Day 5
For the Love of Curves Each day in February , (the month of LOVE) I'll be posting daily affirmations, love affirmations. Reminding you to...

Love Affirmation - I Honor Myself - Day 2
For the Love of Curves. Each February the nation celebrates Valentine's Day and showing love for your significant other. This month I'm...

Tess Munster says Eff Your Beauty Standards & Makes History Signing to Milk Model Management
Tess Munster is gorgeous, with thick flowing hair and looks other women would kill for. Think old Hollywood glam with a modern, no F$#ks...

3 Confidence Lessons in Beyonce's 7/11 Video!
Beyoncé just dropped a new single 7/11 off of her Beyoncé Platinum edition album. The song works with these fun, irreverent visuals. I...

Potty Mouth Princesses Drop F#@ Bomb for Feminism, Shockingly Good? or Just Shocking!!
FCKH8.com is a for-profit T-shirt company with activistivism and social change at the heart of their mission. They create pro-LGBT...

Wanna' Get Fit With Me? Fit Girls Guide - Week 3
Fit Girls Guide Recap Week 3 Recap OK, so today is the week 3 recap for the Fit Girls Guide. Fit Girls Guide is a 28 Day Jumpstart of...