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Feel Good about your Body 'Cus It's All About that Bass

Move over Iggy Azalea, there’s a new summer song. Forget being Fancy - It’s All About that Bass!!

This is my new personal theme song. You know how movie soundtracks move the story along, and provide tone to a movie, right? Sometimes we need personal soundtracks. Well at least I do! lol My secrets out! I use personal theme songs to exude confidence on the runway or at photo shoot. Even in important work meetings, I sometimes have a powerful or even fun song in the back of my mind.

In keeping with our July body theme posts, I’ve selected the ultimate body positive, size acceptance theme song. Meghan Trainor’s All about that bass. With lyrics like “Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top” and “yeah it’s pretty clear, I ain’t no size 2, but I can shake it shake it” how can you not love this song!

You have to admire someone confident info to exclaim “I’m bringing booooty back.” This song is fun! It has a great retro, pop, feel and an incredibly catchy hook that def makes this the song of the summer! I think everyone, thin, thick or slender, can confidently sing this song. I’m a curvy girl so you know I’m all about that Bass, bout that Bass, no treble!!

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