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Wanna' Get Fit With Me? - Fit Girls Guide Week 4 Recap

So the 28 Day Jumpstart challenge is over. I did it! In case you're just tuning in September 22 marked the start of the Fit Girls Guide challenge.

Fit Girls Guide is a downloadable eBook, about 28 pages, that provides exercises and meal plans, it’s basically a healthy life style guide for women that is fun to read and follow. Read about why I started the Fit Girls Guide meal plan here.

My Predictionss

So in the first week I predicted I would have Chick - fil - A withdrawal. Happy to say I didn't visit Chick-fil -A once in the 28 day meal plan period. Nothing wrong with Chick-fil-A ,I love it, but it was starting to become a 3 night a week - after the gym, habit for me and that wasn't healthy.

WEEK 4 Recap

-I ate well and exercised much better than in previous weeks. I had more time this week.

-I discovered a healthy new snack - Fitberry Shortcake, involves strawberries, ricotta cheese and strawberries mmmm - tasty.

Overall Recap

  • I didn't weigh myself during the 4th week, because it was also that one week out of the month when we girls tend to get bloated (you know what I'm saying) However, I did notice a change in my appearance.

  • My middle section seemed slimmed down and even my Mom remarked that my stomach looked smaller.

  • The biggest difference was in my eating habits. After the 28 days was over I visited my parents, they ordered dinner and had chicken, mac'n cheese, spoon bread, all of my traditional favorites. Only I couldn't finish the meal, it tasted too salty, not quite right. I think my taste buds are just accustomed to more of home cooked meals and less processed ingredients. That's a good thing.

  • Don’t get me wrong, I'm not permanently giving up Soul Food or eating out. However, I've come to appreciate eating these things in moderation. Hopefully this is not just a onetime change but a lifelong habit. To make sure I eat right..... I'm doing the jumpstart program again! Fit Girls Guide is kicking off another challenge on Monday, October 27 and giving wayover $1500 in prizes! I'm trying to get some of that money. lol. I hope I can get some friends to joine with me.

THE PRIZES - Best Before & After Pic $500 - Four Runner-Up Before & After Pics $100 - Best Food Posts $100 - Best Video Posts $100 - Most Creative Posts $100 - Best Swolemate Posts $100 - Best BFF Posts $100 - Fit Girl Spirit Award $100

I'll be recapping my progress on my Instagram page this time around, so follow me there @CurvyGirl_Chronicles.

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