#CurvyGirlChat Tonight 7:30PM ET on Twitter - Tweet Up with Me!

If you're following the gram and my Twitter, you know all about this Tweet Up tonight, 7:30ET. Tonight I'm Tweeting Up with our November Curvy Girl of the Month , The Curvy CEO,
We're having a #CurvyGirlChat, we'll talk fashion, Scandal & How to Get Away with Murder, (it is #TGIT after all). We just had nation wide elections so political fashion is on the menu too. Is your fashion style Red State or Blue State? Is there such a thing? Looking forward to hearing your opinion on all these topics.
For my local Curvy Girls just participating in the chat tonight makes you eligible to win tickets to the Curvy CEO sponsored Shopaholics Suite, in DC/MD on November 8th.

Tweet you later Aligator!