Blog Hop -Tag I'm It! The When, Where & Why I Blog
Blog Hop
My friend and Make Up Artist Extraordinaire Toya J tagged me on this blog hop! Thanks Toya.

Who: Kristina Denise, Writer, Plus Size Model, Daughter, Sister, Auntie, Friend and of course BLOGGER! I’m fairly new to blogging but I’ve always been the type who has a lot to say so I thought, why not express myself via the blog.

What: A Lifestyle blog about body confidence, healthy curves and inner beauty. This blog is for by and about the Curvy woman!
When: I post weekly, usually 3 times a week at
Where: mmm hmm, you guessed it, right here on You can also find me on Instagram @curvygirl_chronicles and Twitter @_Kristina Denise.

This is Curvy Girl CHRONICLES so I want to hear your story too. You don't have to wait for my posts. Check out the Curvy Girl Diary, where YOU can post your own thoughts. Can’t find your bff, no one to vent too? The curvy community is here for you. Just create your channel, name it and post.
Why: I started modeling to be a positive role model for my nieces. As a plus size model you have to be very aware of your body, how it looks on camera, how you move on the runway, you must know your measurements and size. I became so much more aware of my body but not in a dismissive or negative way. The plus model community was so positive, sure it’s competitive but also very body positive. I wanted to put something in the universe that was positive and reflected that body positive plus model community I became a part of when I started modeling.

I want to be a resource for women who consider themselves curvy, and keep in mind Curvy is a range that encompasses many sizes and body types.
How: I write about things that affect me, pop culture that I like, stories I've heard and my favorite; I profile Curvy Women who are having positive effects on their community. Each month I feature a Curvy Girl of the Month. I've showcased fashion illustrators, yoga instructors and a fellow blogger.

There's always an interactive event each month featuring the current Curvy Girl of the Month, either a Live Twitter chat or Instagram contest, I even had a live Yoga lesson via Spreecast. I'm always looking for new people to profile here and on my Instagram so hit that Connect button and let me know if you're interested in being featured or if you know someone who should be featured on this page.
I’m shouting out Social Nubian and my curvy girl of the month the Curvy CEO to share their blogger stores. Blog Hop, TAG, now you're it!