Fashion Friday - Why We're Not Over Peplum, Especially When It's Worn Like This!
Fashion Friday
Whew, busy week, my collaboration with Manik Mag came out today (more on that in a future post) and it's Fashion Friday!!

Fashion Friday is a limited time showcase of the latest fashion trends. When I first posted on January 9th I told you, " I'm going to show you a different fashion trend, some will be Avant-Garde, some you might not even expect for plus size bodies but ALL will work for you. It's all in how YOU work it."
Well today is one of the Avant-Garde trends, different but guaranteed to make you stand out. As you know Avant - Garde is all about being innovative and experimental.
This round of Fashion Fridays is sponsored by local Maryland designer, Dreams by Danielle.
Sheer Peplum
Huh? Yes you read it right, sheer peplum. The peplum craze has been all over the place the last few years, and it's every curvy girl's friend. Well… it was bound to get an update. Maryland based designer Danielle watches the trends, and she has that update! She created a sheer peplum overskirt made of tulle. She calls it the Over It skirt. It's paired with a Blue/Black/Grey bodycon dress . You can wear it with or without the over skirt and still look fashion forward.

You can find this Just Printed dress and the Tulle overskirt on Danielle's etsy site. Rock it! And when they hate, because you look good, confident and unique, just look at 'em and say Over It! lol Gotta love a confident woman!
As sponsor of Fashion Fridays, Danielle is offering a 15% discount on orders over $50. The discount code is Curvy Girl Dreams and will run from Friday January 9 until Friday, January 30th.
Bonus Pic!! - Check out how much fun Rae, Danielle and I had on set!! Yessssss! You've got to love confident, CURVY, women. I do!

Plus Model Rae, Designer Danielle, & Me Kristina Denise