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Buffet Magazine Gives Us a Tasty Mouthful

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Buffet Magazine is a feast for your eyes. This new kid on the block effortlessly mixes art, fashion and pushes the envelope with every single photograph. I'm here for ALL of it. I love it. I interviewed the founders and producers of Buffet Magazine and they gave me a mouthful. Their answers were simply delicious. (You see what I'm doing here right) Buffet magazine is certainly the antitheseis of anything else out there. Check out WHO is behind the WHAT of Buffet Magazine in the founders own words...

Why the name Buffet Magazine?

Buffet is a small batch bi­annual phot­ozine co­-founded by Craig Ward & Ara Edsinger in 2014. Craig and I do most everything ourselves, from pre and post production, creative direction, photography, and styling. Its a lot of work for the two of us, but is a very rewarding process.

I believe Craig came up with the name for the magazine, but it really stuck with me. The name Buffet to me is such a beautiful and elegant sounding French word. On the other hand, grotesque images of commercialization, exploitation, and over consumption come to mind... not to mention food poisoning. It’s the neon signed, carpeted feeding hall of American culture. The literal meaning of the name Buffet also speaks to the presentation of our imagery to the viewer.

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2. How long have you and your partner worked together, on this project specifically but also in general?

Craig and I met in college and have been working and collaborating on personal projects ever sense. Buffet is the first project where we are creating something that we are actively looking to share with the world. It’s very scary and exciting at the same time.

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3. How can people find your magazine? online, print orders? other? I know its produced

biannually, any plans to expand that?

The magazine as well as prints and other merchandise is available online at You can also find Buffet in Brooklyn at Desert Island Books, Book Thug Nation and Printed Matter in Manhattan.

4. If you had to describe your magazines brand in 3 words, what would they be? Colorful. Perfection. Fetish.

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5. The concepts are crazy ? Example, the sugar high. How do you come up with the


We brain storm together and the concepts evolve from there. I just dig around in my weird candy coated brain to see what I can find. Craig does all the research and storyboarding for the shoot and out of the two visions is our creation.

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6.Do you consider the magazine fashion or art or an intersection of the two?

I do consider this to be more of an art publication as opposed to fashion. Buffet is really is an examination and critique of pop culture that surrounds us all. That said, I do have a huge obsession with fashion. Right now I am really into what Discount Universe from Australia and Lazy Oaf from London are creating.

7. I feel your magazine pushes the envelope on traditional beauty standards, you're showing diversity in body type and ethnicity? Is this a conscious decision?

Yes and no...

Casting is really important to us, but we aren’t basing our shoots around this idea of diversity. We find beauty around us every day, sometimes in things you might not recognize at first to be beautiful. That’s the great thing when funding your own project. You don’t have a fit a mold, there are no standards to follow, requirements to fulfill.

8. What is your ultimate goal for the magazine?

Just to have fun, meet people and create something that can be appreciated .

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9. Please describe the thought process behind creating the photo of the plus size model, Moet, covered in gummy bears? Have you received any push back for perpetuating stereotypes of "fat" people and food or have you only received praise?

Moet and the endless field of gummy bears was one of my ideas that just came out of nowhere. I knew going into the shoot there were aspects that might shock some people. Most of the comments about the shot have been very positive. The majority praise Moet for her abundance of confidence. She really was a treasure to find and work with, she is so confident, knows how to move and pose and is one of the sweetest people I have ever met.

I'm happy I found Ara and Craig's images in my many hours spent on Instagram. I'm thankful for the time to get to know them, if only a piece of them as I prepared this post. I look forward to what they'll serve us next! Tell me what you think about Buffet magazine in the comments. Don't be shy, go ahead shout it out!

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