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What's a Hoo and How Did I Network With It Today?


I'm a Hoo! Maybe you are too! OK, now that I sound like a Dr. Seuss poem let me tell you about Wahoos. Well a Wahoo is the nickname for students and graduates of the University of Virginia. It's symbolic of UVA, a representation of the student.

Hoos is the shortened version of Wahoo so when you're cheering on the team you say Go Hoos! Hoos Network is a fun alumni hub that shares lighthearted exploits of UVA alum from all of the world.

I was lucky enough to be featured on Hoos Network HN Live via Google Hangout to discuss my writing, my blog and my life!

Hoos Network features original content from dozens of UVA alum! They are always looking for more alumni and more content so check them out!

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