Emme Nation Takes Over Macys
Emme, you know the world's first plus size super model, is partnering with Macy's. Emme is a pioneer in the plus size industry. She even has her own doll!
Her website is called Emme Nation and is dedicated to mind, body, and spirit. She takes body positive and mental wellness to a new level. She's partnered with Macy's for a series of events and social media awareness. There was a Twitter chat on Monday, May 11 and this Saturday, May 16, 2PM EST, Emme is calling all her MACY’S Columbia Maryland girlfriends to join her for an afternoon with friends of fun, spring fashion and fabulousness!

You can expect style tips, diversified models and a lot of girl talk!
Macy's Columbia Mall
2pm - 4pm EST
10300 Little Patuxent Pkwy
Columbia, MD 21044

And continuing her partnership with Macy's Emme is promoting - Take your own #AmericanSelfie! Join the fun! May 13-July 4th - Post a pic and caption the picture with people, places, events and activites you LOVE! Macy’s just may use your post at the 4th of July Fireworks Celebration! You gotta' hashtag #AmericanSelfie & #Macys
Note: From 5/13 -7/14 Macy’s will donate $1, up to $250,000, to gotyour6.org. Got Your 6 is an organization that works with veterans.