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Music Monday Motivation - Songs to Help You Face Your Fear

Music Motivation

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Just 2 more posts until my Music Monday Motivation summer playlist series is over. So you have today and next Monday 8/31/15.

Each Monday this summer I've been providing a playlist to start your week off right and OWN Mondays. Which, let's face it a lot of us dread Monday's. Let's change that perception. Monday is just another week to get better!

On the Monday Motivation posts, I've had playlist for Confident Girl Power Anthems and Take this Job! I'm Following my Dreams to Summertime Madness. Today it's about Fear, or rahter overcoming Fear.

I've been thinking a lot about fear lately and how it can hold us back from our dreams, and goals. I'm working on being more conscious of my decisions; trying to identify when I'm making decisions out of fear so I can course correct.

So, this week's playlist incldues songs about NOT being scared , a few are just songs to get you hype and excited and feel yourself (hint) ready to take over the world! Some are gospel influenced, reminding you to have Faith and Go Get Your Blessing! (another hint)

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