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Curvy, Petite, Tall - Not Your Mom's Doll - Barbie Has Evolved.

The Barbie evolution is here

So , we usually don't think of evolution in terms of toys but Barbie is undergoing a style evolution and I'm here for all of it.

Today, Barbie launched a secret, two year in the making project (nicknamed Project Dawn) to diversify their dolls.

They now offer a tall Barbie, a petite Barbie and yes, drumroll please... A curvy Barbie! With blue hair!

Barbie Original vs Curvy Comparison

Image - Time Magazine

Y'all know the Internet is going crazy and for good reason. For a long time Barbie set a beauty standard but one that many people felt was unattainable. Mattel, who makes Barbie has received much criticism for the impossible thin waist, busty dimensions of their Barbie doll.

Why did Barbie evolve

Granted Barbie has always had dolls who were career focused and business minded but those impossible breast to waist measurements often took away from Barbie's career leanings.

Curvy Barbie Blue Hair

Curvy Barbie

Well Mattell heard the critics loud and clear and they felt the criticism in their bottom line. According to Time Magazine, Barbie sales decreased 20% from 2012 - 2014 and Mattel lost the Disney Princess business to Hasbro. Barbie needed a change, as the world is redefining beauty, with campaigns like #PlusIsEqual and #FortheloveofCurves, Mattel is runnning to catch up and is redefining Barbie.

Petitie Barbie

Petite Barbie

Tall African American Black Barbie Natural Hair

Tall Barbie

It's not just about body shape, the new line has different skin tones, heights, and yes, hair color! Even their eyes are different. These dolls look like people you see walking on the street. I love that these dolls could be from anywhere, Midwest, Cali, New York, another country even!

Also the doll's ankles were changed so now Barbie can wear flats in addition to high heels.

Mattel put a lot of thought into this. We know the change will have a positive effect on young girls, let's hope it's as positive on Mattel's bottom line so these dolls stay in circulation!

Currently you must order the new dolls on line at while Mattel works with stores to create room on the shelves for this diverse line.

For the details behind Barbie's style evolution, check out this Time magazine article.

Time Magazine Barbie Cover

Time Magazine cover photographed by Kenjo Aoki

Could the Curvy Barbie be curvier, sure! She's not quite my size yet, but no complaints. This is a positive step! And Barbie has a tummy, thighs and a bum! Look! Barbie has booty, y'all. I'm not mad, I'm glad her size is more representative of the majority of American women, who are plus size. Barbie, I'm digging your evolution girl!! I don't have kids but there just might be a Barbie in my future.

Tell me what you think? Are you a Mom who will order for her daughter? Are you a Barbie collector who is rushing to order these right now?

Please share Barbie's evolution with others and share this pots. Barbie is using the tag #TheDollEvolves Also for more Curvy Girl stories follow us on Instagram.


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