Curvy Girl Chronicles - The Best of 2015

Thank you , Thank you, Thank you for reading, sharing and subscribing to 2015 was my first complete, full year of blogging. 12 months of sharing body positive goodness, healthy curves and lot of positive thinking.
If you're on Instagram or facebook you've seenthe #2015TopNine hashtag. I love it! here are my top nine post form 2015. These are your Faves you guys. If you're not yest following CurvyGirl Chronicles on Instagram, what are you waiting for! Follow now.
Here are some great things Curvy Girl Chronicles accomplished in 2015 with your help and support.
I co-wrote my first e-book Blogging Brilliance.
Hosted my first event - Blogging Brilliance workshop.
Featured 10 entrepreneurs in my Curvy Girl of the Month series, including Ashley Nell Tipton, the winner of Project Runway and Yasmine Arrington, a college student who has given away over $50,000 in scholarship money to children of incarcerated parents.
Attended NYFW Plus and hosted an event- during New York Fashion Week! SERVE
Launched my T shirt shop
Launched my very own app, it's currently available on Android phones and tablets.
Wrote a regular column for Manik Mag.
All in all a good year. As we push forward and get caught up in the "New Year, New Me" mantra we sometimes forget to celebrate our successes. Please take time to acknowledge your 2015 accomplishments too.
Now Let's OWN 2016!