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The Ultimate Detox- The Body Image Detox Challenge & Giveaway

I see so many detox cleanses online - teas, wraps, special drinks, all to detox and get our bodies right. I'm hosting a detox Body Image Challenge so we can get our minds right about our bodies!!

I've partnered with Mailina Padgett of Fit Flatter, you'll remember, she is our June Curvy Girl or the Month. We also brought on two illustrators for the giveaway winners.

Body Image Detox Challenge

How do I join the challenge?

Post a picture with the challenge of the day using the hashtag #BodyImageDetox and #FitandFlatter. Last but not least, don't forget to follow @FitFlatter, @CurvyGirl_Chronicles, @Fashionlistically_Speaking and @KatieJagielnicka so we can count your entries.

At the end of the week, Curvy Girl Chronicles will choose one person to receive a spotlight feature on the Curvy Girl Chronicles Android app and Fit + Flatter will choose one lucky lady as a Body Positivity Ambassador to be featured as a part of their Embrace Your Shape spotlight.

You didn't think that was all did you,we have more!

Participating in the challenge gives you a chance to win a custom illustration from either fashionlistically_speaking or @katiejagielnicka.

So, let's get positive about our bodies!!!

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