Back to School, NO, Back to You! Healthy Curves Inspiration.
Summer is over, and kids are back to school. It’s the perfect time to get back to you especially if you fell off the healthy curves plan you started at the beginning of the year. I know everyone waits til the New Year to think about new goals for health, career and life, but why not get back to that now. The kiddies are getting back in line and so am I, as Beyonce said “Okay ladies now let’s get in FORMATION”, 2016 ain’t over yet!
Let me be honest, I started off good in the New Year. I made my vision board, got HYPE and did as much as I could in the first few months of this year. I worked out, took a sewing class, went to an Xoticy dance class with friends and did Zumba at National Harbor in Maryland. I was going back and forth completing goals. Then life got in the way and I fell off completely. I let stress and anything else you can imagine get in the way. Now summer is over and I’m thinking, I still have a few months to get back on track. It’s time for me to get in “Formation” for the rest of 2016 and plan for 2017!

So my sister suggested we do “Salad September” to get back into being healthy and in preparation for our trip to Panama City, FL. Of course we didn’t want to get bored so Pinterest has been my friend. I got a great personal trainer for sessions twice a week, Arminta @Get_ Mint_Fit, planned walking and zumba days with my friends and since I work at an awesome pole fitness studio, I can take 2 classes a week. I don’t like traditional workouts and I have gym-phobia, so the more dance fitness classes I can find great. I am planning to try hot yoga and get back to a belly dance class ASAP. Oh and I can’t wait to take the Xocity class next month in D.C., follow her tour it’s an awesome class!

As for other goals I planned for this year, I have registered for another sewing class online at Burda Academy. Planned a few girls outings to relieve stress and looked at my vision board to see what I’m falling behind on. There are about 14 weeks left in 2016. I can get back on track and be ready to bring this positive attitude into 2017 with new goals to build on. Let’s celebrate ourselves and get back to us! You can follow my journey on instagram at @thekurvydiva make sure I stay on task!!! Smooches xoxox!!!!

Guest Blogger, The Kurvy Diva is a lifelong resident of Prince Georges County Maryland. She believes that embracing your body is one of the most empowering aspects of life. Through her work with DC FemEx and Pageants she has encouraged women to have a positive body image.
One of her favorite quotes is “Cultivate your curves-they may be dangerous, but they won’t be avoided”-Mae West. She is passionate about continuing her work of empowering more women to appreciate themselves and have a powerful voice.