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5 Ways to Love the One You’re with – A Wholistic Approach to Health.

It’s no secret that February comes filled with love – an expectation to show love and to receive love. We spend so much energy making sure our beloved knows how much we love them, we often forget about our most precious and important recipient, ourselves. Ladies, it’s time to love the one you’re with! Yourself!

It’s so easy to love on yourself last or not at all. I see this often in the Curvy Health & Wellness arena, especially with women. Our overall health is not only anchored in physical fitness, but mental and emotional fitness as well. Here are 5 ways to help you become FIT in these three areas and love the one you’re with, Wholistically, 24/7.

Speak life to yourself EVERY SINGLE DAY. This is so important because what we say is what we believe. And what we believe is what will occur. I once heard that “your life is moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts.” If this is true, I believe it is, speaking life is critical to not only living the life we desire, but living a healthy life as well.

BE BOLD! Yes. Do something bold today! Why? When you make a decision to do something you have never done, you increase your capacity for advancement and success. According to cognitive neuroscientist, Ian Robertson, when we make a decision and “win” it increases our capacity to be bolder and take on more challenging tasks. This is critical to one’s health because when we begin achieving the results we desire, our approach to life is more intentional and we begin to make better decisions about our health.

Keep it FIT – Fabulous, Invigorating and Together!

One of the best things you can ever do for yourself is maintain your fabulousness in an invigorating way and be committed to keeping it together. What do I mean? If our health is not a priority, it will fight for that spot until it becomes a priority. And by that time, we have no choice but to cater to its rant for attention because of lifestyle dis-eases that have taken up residence. Everyday do something for at least 15mins. That’s it. You can do any of the following or whatever you want to do.

  1. Walk

  2. Jog

  3. Zumba class

  4. Aqua aerobics class

  5. Step class

  6. Ride your bike

  7. Skate

  8. Swim

  9. Jump rope

Remember a little is much over a long period of time. Keep it FIT!

salad, healthy food

FEED your Body. It’s time to eat the good stuff! Every body is different. But a few things every body needs, water, nutrients and rest. The body is about 60% water with major organs being over 70% water. Needless to say, this is crucial to survival. Lack of water is the #1 reason for headaches. In addition to water, giving your body at least three healthy meals a day based more on whole food options then caloric intake second, can increase your overall health. Lastly, get some sleep! Most people need 6-8 hours of sleep. This will replenish your mental health and emotional health. You will then have the ability to meet the world with a clear mind. And that’s always a good thing.

HAVE FUN! If you don’t commit to having fun, life gets pretty boring. I personally think scheduling recess is imperative. We schedule everything else in our lives. We schedule meetings, brunch, dates, phone calls, kid’s activities, etc. Why not schedule recess? We become adults and forget to take FUN breaks. We almost decide that is unnecessary, a waste of time and for children only. SIMPLY not true! Having fun is the balance to work. It keeps us centered and sharp. When we recess, we allow our mind, body and spirit to recalibrate for optimal performance. And you deserve to operate at your best.

In addition to the five keys above, take time to spend time with those who love you. Surround yourself with people who support, honor, and respect all of you. Your overall health is worth. And don’t forget to tell the one you’re with, I Love You.

What do you do to ‘love the one you’re with’?

Vida Bratton

Vida Bratton is the founder of

Healthy Curves Rock, a National

Movement of CURVYnistas who

are ready to live Healthy, Whole

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